Introduction to the Constellations
This page is for beginning
amateur astronomers who are still learning how to identify
constellations. It is designed for observers at about 40 degrees north
latitude (though it will work for latitudes somewhat north or south of that).
There are four different charts, you should select
a chart based on the time of year, and whether you are observing before
midnight (the evening) or after midnight (the morning). It describes major
“landmarks” in the night sky and how to use those landmarks to find
other constellations.
If you live in city or a suburban environment, you probably will encounter
light pollution. Light pollution will prevent you from seeing all of the
stars shown in these charts; you can see the brighter stars, but you will not
see the fainter stars. Your ability to see fainter stars will improve if
you can find a location away from bright lights and if you are patient: your
ability to see faint sees will improve if you allow your eyes to adjust to the
darkness for a half hour or more.
You may need to find a location away from obstructions like trees, buildings
and mountains.
Spring Evenings & Winter Mornings The stars of the Big Dipper are
circumpolar from northern latitudes (this means these stars are visible anytime
it is dark) and can be used as a landmark. The best time to use the Big
Dipper as a landmark is Winter mornings and Spring
Look due north, the Big Dipper should be easy to see. The
Big Dipper is part of the constellation Ursa
Major. Locate the stars Dubne (marked D on
the chart), Merek (Me), Mizor
(Mi), Alkaid (Al) and Muscida
(Mu). If you have reasonably good vision,
you will see that Mizor is actually a double
- Follow Dubne
and Merek toward Polaris (marked P on the
chart). Nearby you will see two stars (both marked G), they are
called the Guardians. Polaris and the Guardians are the brightest
stars of Ursa Minor. If your skies are
dark, you may be able to make out the other stars of Ursa
Minor (which form the so called Little Dipper).
- Halfway between Mizor and the Guardians, you may see a dim star called
Thuban (marked T). Thuban
is part of the constellation Draco; in dark skies you can trace the path
of Draco which winds between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor until it ends at two stars (both marked
- Follow the arc formed by the
stars Mizor (Mi) and Alkaid
(Al) until you find the bright star Arcturus
(A). Arcturus is the brightest star of the
constellation Boötes.
- If you see a bright
“star” along the green curve that is not shown on this chart,
it could be a planet. Planets are not shown on this chart.
- You can continue the arc
until you find another bright star Spica
(labeled S). Spica is the brightest star
in the constellation Virgo (however Virgo can be a little difficult to
make out in light polluted skies).
- Following Dubne
and Merek away from Polaris, you can find
another bright star, Regulus
(marked R on the chart). Regulus is the
brightest star in the constellation Leo. Leo is easy to recognize
even in light polluted skies.
- Between Leo and Ursa Major is a dim constellation called Leo Minor.
- Between Alkaid
(Al) and Spika (S) is the star Cor Caroli (marked C on the
chart). Cor Caroli
is the brightest star in Canes Venatici, Canes Venatici can be difficult to distinguish, there are only two bright stars in this constellation.
- Between Virgo and Canes Venatici is the constellation Coma Berenices.
It is somewhat dim and may be hard to locate in light polluted skies.
- In this diagram, Ursa Major is drawn suggesting Alkaid
is the Bear’s nose. However according to tradition Alkaid represents the tip of the Bear’s
tail. The lines were drawn this way to make the shape easier to find
and remember.
Evenings & Spring Mornings. The
Summer Triangle is visible in the Northern Hemisphere during Summer
evenings and Spring mornings. At these times the Summer Triangle can be
used as a landmark; follow these directions.
- Find the Summer Triangle in
the sky - there should be three bright stars overhead or high in the sky
(note there are other “triangles” in the sky, if the following
instructions don’t work, then you may have located the wrong group
of three stars).
- The stars in the summer
triangle are called Deneb (marked D on the
chart) Altair (marked A on the chart) and Vega (marked V on the chart).
- Look closely near Deneb for the stars that make up Cygnus. (Cygnus
is also known as the Swan).
- Look near Vega for the stars
that make up Lyra (also known as the Harp).
- Look near Altair for the
stars that make up Aquila (also known as
the Eagle), Delphinus (also known as the
Dolphin) and Sagitta (also known as the
Arrow). Delphinus and Sagitta
will be difficult to see if your skies are not dark (if so binoculars will
help - Delphinus is a very attractive constellation
in binoculars).
- From Lyra,
locate a group of four stars that comprise the “head” of
Hercules. If your skies are dark and clear you may see the globular
cluster M13 (marked GC on the chart).
- Using Hercules and Altair as a
guide, locate the star Rasalhague (marked R on
the chart). Rasalhague is part of the
constellation Ophiuchus (the Snake
Holder). Ophiuchus is near the
constellation Serpens, Serpens
has two parts: one part, Serpens Cauda (the Tail of the Snake) is shown on this chart.
- Using Hercules as a guide,
locate the star Gemma (marked G on the
chart). Gemma is the brightest star in the
constellation Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown). While Gemma is reasonably bright, the remaining stars of
Corona Borealis are not and will be difficult to see in light polluted
- Now, if you look due south,
you can see the constellations of Scorpius and
Sagittarius (both are bright and easy to recognize, but not shown on this
chart). In dark skies you can see the Milky way
starting at Sagittarius going across the sky through the Summer Triangle.
Autumn Evenings and
Summer Mornings The Great Square
is a group of four stars and is a good landmark to use in Autumn
evenings and Summer mornings.
- Start by looking for the four
bright stars that make up the Great
Square. They are marked S1, S2, S3 and
A1. S1, S2 and S3 are part of the constellation of Pegasus, and A1
(it has the name Alpheratz) is a star in the
constellation Andromeda.
- If you follow along the
backbone of Andromeda, you will locate stars marked A2 and A3 - note the
gap between A1 and A2 is rather wide and there is moderately bright star
in the middle. Somewhat above the backbone is a fuzzy spot that will
be visible in relatively dark skies, it is marked G on the chart and is
the Andromeda Galaxy.
- Continuing along the
backbone, you will reach P2 (called Algol).
P2 along with P1 (Algerib) make up the
constellation of Perseus.
- Nearby look for a group of
five stars in a “W” shape. This is the constellation of Cassopeia.
- In dark skies, you may notice
the Milky Way passing through Cassopeia.
- Next to Cassopeia,
look for the constellation of Cepheus.
- If you follow S1 and S3, they
point to D (Denebe) which is part of the
constellation of Cygnus.
- Between Cepheus
and Pegasus is Lacerta (the Lizard). It is
a dim constellation which may be difficult to see.
- Near Andromeda is the
constellation of Aries. Aries has two relatively bright stars and
several dimmer stars.
- Between Andromeda and Aries
is the constellation of Triangulum. Triangulum consists of three stars, two of which are
brighter than the third. The brightest of these stars, Harnal, is marked H on the chart.
- If you see a bright
“star” along the green curve, it could be a planet.
Planets are not shown on this chart.
- Pisces is a dim constellation
that is difficult to make out.
Winter Evenings & Autumn
Mornings Orion is a bright, easy to recognize
constellation visible in Autumn mornings and Winter
evenings. Use Orion as a landmark as follows:
- The star pattern of Orion is
distinctive and made of bright stars. You should note three stars in
particular: Betelgeuse (B), Bellatrix (Be) and Rigel (R). Halfway between the shoulder of Orion
(Betelgeuse and Bellatrix) and his feet (Rigel) are the three belt stars. You will note a
set of stars that form a sword hanging from the belt; the middle star is
not a star at all - it is the Orion Nebula (marked N on the chart), you
may notice that appears blurry (look at it through binoculars).
- Orion is the part of the so
called Winter Hexagon - to make out the hexagon start at Rigel and work clockwise. You will find five
other bright stars: Sirius (S), Procyon (P), Pollux (Po), Capela (C) and Aldebaran
- Note, you may see bright
“stars” along the green curved line, they may be
planets. Planets are not marked on this diagram.
- Sirius is part of Canis Major; try to make out the rest of Canis Major (dark skies are needed to see all of the
- Procyon
is part of Canis Minor. There are only two
bright stars in Canis Minor, Procyon
and Gomeisa (G).
- Pollux
is part of Gemini. The outline of Gemini is relatively easy to
recognize once you find Pollux (however some of
the stars will not be visible in light polluted skies).
- Capella
is part of the constellation Auriga.
- Aldebaran
is the brightest star in Taurus. Nearby you should see a compact
group of six or more stars. This is the Pleiades (marked Pl on the
- Next to Auriga
and Taurus, is Perseus. You should find Algol (marked Al on the chart), the try to make out
the rest of the constellation. Algol is a
variable star; if you carefully observe it over the course of few days, you might notice a change in brightness.
- Below Orion, you will be able
to see the four brightest stars of Lepus (at
least in dark skies), the rest of the constellation is harder to locate.
The following dim constellations are not marked on this chart: Monoceros (between Orion and Canis
Minor), Eridanus (to the right of Orion), Aries (near
Perseus) and Lynx (near Gemini).